採用情報 イントラリンクは、イノベーション、新規事業開発、サステナビリティなどに関心をお持ちの日英バイリンガルの方を募集しています。 特に、新たなアイデアやテクノロジーの国境を超えた融合を通じ、日本をはじめとするアジア大手企業と、国際的な起業家が共に新規ビジネス、そしてデジタル化や脱炭素化を実現するためのプロジェクトに貢献したい方を求めています。 現在募集中のポジションは、以下よりご覧いただけます。ご関心がございましたら、英文履歴書を指定のフォームよりご送付ください。 左: EMEAチーム、右:韓国チーム "Unlike many jobs, it's hard to explain succinctly to family and friends what Intralink does - we're quite unique. But once it clicks, they keep asking because they find it fascinating..." 募集中のポジション Filter by: Show All EMEA Internship Japan USA Japan BD Manager – Medtech and Life Sciences (Japan) We’re focused on the technologies and ideas that are helping to solve the world’s social and economic challenges. And we’re growing our Medtech & Life Sciences team in Tokyo. So, if you think you’re up for the challenge, read on – and apply. Learn more Japan Business Development Manager – Energy / Materials / Industrial (Japan) Are you interested in innovation and new technologies? Are you keen to play a part in people and ideas coming together to create a self-driving car, a fuel cell, or a life-saving medical device? Do you want to help international entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life with... Learn more Internship Internship Program Join a stimulating internship programme at an international business development consultancy specialising in Asia, and get a glimpse into the world of tech startups, international expansion and global open innovation. Discover if you have what it takes to thrive in this... Learn more EMEA Open Innovation Research Analyst - with Japanese (Europe) To support our innovation consulting work for Japanese clients, we are seeking a full-time Innovation Research Analyst. You will ideally based near our UK head offices in Oxford, but London-based candidates and remote locations will also be considered. Learn more USA Innovation Research Analyst (with Japanese) To support our innovation consulting work for Japanese clients as well as our group marketing activities, we are seeking a full-time Innovation Reasearch Analyst ideally based near our existing US locations in San Jose, Los Angeles, or Boston, but remote locations will also be... Learn more スポットライト:ソウルオフィスの様子 国際的なハイテク企業のアジア進出、そして大手企業のグローバル・コラボレーションの支援に興味をお持ちですか? ソウルオフィスを拠点とするリサーチ・アナリストのファティマとヒョンジンが、弊社事業の舞台裏で繰り広げられるエキサイティングな仕事内容と、私たちのチームと一緒に働くことで得られるチャンスについて語ってくれました!