We were delighted to welcome the Queen’s Lord-Lieutenant, Tim Stevenson OBE, to our Oxfordshire head office this morning to present us with our Queen’s Award for Enterprise – and to explain more about how we help companies expand in East Asia.

Lord-Lieutenant Tim Stevenson OBE (left) presenting Queen’s Award to Intralink Chairman, James Lawson.
The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise recognise “outstanding achievements by UK businesses” in overseas trade, innovation, sustainable development and social mobility. Established in 1965 by Royal Warrant, they’re the most prestigious official accolades for UK companies.
To compete in the category of International Trade, we had to showcase our history, our vision and what sets our company apart. This involved a rigorous process to prove we’ve achieved “outstanding continuous growth over the last six years” and that we practise strong corporate social responsibility through our support for charities. Our win of The Queen’s Award was first announced in April.